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SokoFind is a search program to find levels within files. You provide a search pattern and a search path, then click on the search button and it does the rest. This program is provided as is with no support of any kind.


Feb 5, 2014. [v2.0.2] 中文版發布。Chinese version released.

Feb 3, 2014. [v2.0.1] Bugs fixed. Compiled by Pelles C.

Nov 8, 2011. [v2.0 RC2] Search levels with a solution, or even with an all uppercase or all lowercase LURD solution. The program will do a lurd2xsb conversion first, then use the result as the searching pattern.

Oct 17, 2011. [v1.3b] Bug fixed.

Oct 15, 2011. [v1.3] Add a checkbox for 'view HTML' option. Save all settings in 'sokofind.ini'.

Oct 7, 2011. [v1.1b] Write the searching results to an HTML file named 'output.html' in the same folder as the executable, and open it with the default browser.

July 13, 2009. First release.


sokofind_v2.0.2.zip ~200KB (v2.0.2中文版)

sokofind_v2.0.1.zip <80KB (v2.0.1)

sokofind_v2.0_RC2.zip <80KB (v2.0 RC2)

sokofind_v1.3b.zip <80KB (v1.3b)

sokofind.zip 65KB (v1.0e)

Created on July 13, 2009.